Sejal Payne Education 

Sejal Payne is a specialist bespoke education consultant with the many years of skills and expertise in supporting school improvement.

A dedicated, knowledgeable and highly experienced consultant with over 15 years of working in schools and within local authority, supporting the provision of Black and Minority Ethnic Pupils, including pupils with English as an Additional Language and working collaboratively with the schools to identify areas of development and address the gaps. Her experience ranges across from Early Years to secondary school.

She has vast experience in providing tailored advisory support to schools in order to raise the attainment of their BME pupils at all levels and works with colleagues across the school - leadership team, teachers, co-ordinators and support staff. She has significant experience in the model and coach approach to support the professional development of specialist EMA staff , including Ethnic Minority Achievement Co-ordinators. 

Sejal has led on Targeted Interventions within the authority and is an accredited trainer for talkingpartners@primary , Talk Volunteer, Talking Maths and Boosting Reading @ primary & secondary programmes.

She has a proven track record of developing and delivering a diverse range of professional development training programmes for schools and settings relating to Equalities as well as Achievement of Black & Minority Ethnic and pupils with English as an Additional Language.

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Sejal also has vast experience in forging home school links and is an accredited trainer for the Strengthening Families & Strengthening Communities parenting programme.She has successfully delivered numerous courses to target parents with extremely positive outcomes and has co- written and delivered Empowering Parents - a targeted Milton Keynes based parenting programme.

She is passionate about raising the achievement of the BME pupils and has an hands on approach to develop an inclusive and a highly engaging teaching and learning environment in schools so that every child can access the curriculum and reach their potential.

What we offer

What Sejal offers through bespoke , professional and expert consultancy for individual schools and local authority:

School Improvement

  • Advice and support for Leadership with EMA provision and staff development
  • Audits – supporting the school team to conduct a school based EMA/EAL audit, using effective tools to review whole school learning environment in the context of equality and inclusion.
  • Action planning - to establish and develop a robust action plan to drive the ethos of the school and raise the attainment of the BME/EAL pupils across the curriculum and school. 
  • Data and assessment support, including EAL assessment 

Home School links 

  • Advice, support and training on fostering and developing strong links with parents and community 
  • Bespoke Parenting programme modules for parents  to support and empower parents 
  • Strengthening Families and Straightening Communities parenting programme - for parents  
  • Talk Volunteer training for school staff, parents and wider community members 

Teaching and learning 

  • Advice, support and  practical training for all teaching staff in meeting the needs of the BME/EAL  pupils in the classroom, including pedagogy, assessment and strategies 
  • Advice, support and practical training for all teaching staff in meeting the needs of the Newly Arrived pupils and families 
  • Advice, support and practical training in Equalities, Inclusion, Cultural Diversity 
  • Individual Pupil Observation - supporting the class teacher to plan for their BME and EAL pupils through a observation, advice and model approach. 
  •  Model and coach support to teachers and teaching assistants for planning EAL provision
  • Bespoke training for talkingpartners@primary  and Talk Volunteer, 
  • Bespoke training for Talking Maths 
  • Bespoke training for Boosting Reading @ primary & secondary programmes. 
  • Advice, support and training for SPAG 

Lots more on offer

Find out more about our other  specialist areas such as story telling, reading support, parental engagement , SMSC, British Value, equalities and community cohesion. 

If you'd like to find out more please email us at [email protected]

We'll be happy to set up an initial consultation free of charge - we look forward to hearing from you.