Talkingpartners@primary is effective, proven good practice. During a 10 week programme pupils typically make over 18 months progress in their productive oral language.
Talkingpartners@primary(formerly known as Talking Partners) is a programme designed to improve the way children communicate across the curriculum, enabling them to be independent and skilful speakers and listeners. It's a targeted, time-limited (10 weeks) intervention that can be used with the whole class, small groups or individuals.
By providing opportunities to practise and rehearse target language through a range of focused activities, pupils develop their independent skills to become good communicators. talkingpartners@primary is a structured oral language programme providing part of an integrated approach to raise levels of achievement by improving children’s speaking and listening skills. talkingpartners@primary also helps children to become more confident and competent users of English. It encourages them to listen more actively and talk for a range of purposes and draws particular attention to the links between oracy and literacy.
This training course will develop the staff knowledge and skills in developing effective speaking and listening skills of the pupils.
Course details:
- full overview of the progamme and its implementation
- demonstration and exploration of talkingpartners@primary activities
- opportunities to try out the practical resources and activities
- comprehensive guide to assessment, planning and recording
- Comprehensive programme resources , including talkingpartners@primary training booklet, toolkit, talk frames
- links to other useful guidance and websites